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- Buenas prácticas
- SG's Special Measures Report 2019 - A/73/744UN, June 2019.
- Data annexes to A/73/744UN, June 2019.
- Supplementary information to A/73/744 UN, June 2019.
- IASC Summary Good Practices on SEA and Sexual Harassment IASC, July 2018.
- SG's Special Measures Report 2018 - A/72/752 United Nations , February 2018.
- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations - Improving the Victim's Access to Reparation, Support and AssistanceThe Redress Trust, September 2017.
- Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (A/71/818) - 2017United Nations, February 2017.
- Discussion Paper: Mapping the Impact of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Interveners in Peace OperationsLa Trobe University, December 2016.
- Interagency Study on Child-Friendly Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms within NGO programmes. Phase one report, survey findings – children’s access to feedback and complaint mechanismsEduco (Member of the ChildFund Alliance), Plan International, Save the Children UK, War Child UK and World Vision International, August 2015.
- Mission report - one month deployment to the Philippines typhoon response on AAP & PSEAWFP, December 2013.
- Segundo informe sobre la aplicación del sistema de rendición de cuentas en la Secretaría de las Naciones UnidasNaciones Unidas, April 2013.English French Arabic
- Compendium of Practices on Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms – Abridged Version IASC Task Force on PSEA, December 2012.
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/66/699) - 2011United Nations, February 2012.
- Change starts with us, talk to us !HAP, December 2011.
- 2007 Global Accountability ReportOne World Trust, November 2011.
- 2006 Global Accountability ReportOne World Trust, November 2011.
- The Humanitarian Accountability Report 2006HAP International, November 2011.
- UNCT Progress Report on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Sample TemplateECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, November 2011.
- No One to Turn To: The Under-reporting of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Aid Workers and PeacekeepersSave the Children UK, November 2011.
- Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group: 2005 Substantive Session, 2005 Resumed Session (A/59/19/Rev.1(SUPP))UN General Assembly, November 2011.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- The 2007 Humanitarian Accountability ReportHAP International, November 2011.
- Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission: First Session 9-13 April 2007 (A/62/54 (SUPP))UN General Assembly, November 2011.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Change starts with us, talk to us!HAP International, September 2011.
- The 2011 Humanitarian Accountability ReportThe Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International, June 2011.
- Summary Report of Country Case Studies: IASC Review of Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN, NGO, IOM and IFRC Personnel - Case Studies from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Liberia, Nepal, Somalia, Southern Sudan, Thailand, the Thai-Myanmar border, and YemenMoira Reddick (Review Facilitator), August 2010.
- Global Review of Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN, NGO, IOM and IFRC PersonnelIASC, UN OCHA, July 2010.
- Global Synthesis Report: IASC Review of Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN, NGO, IOM and IFRC PersonnelMoira Reddick (Review Facilitator), June 2010.
- Training Evaluation Report: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and AbuseMary Lou DiPaolo, DiPaolo & Associates, commissioned by UNDP under the auspices of the ECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, June 2010.
- Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse within the Humanitarian Community in Haiti: Statement by the InterAction Sub-Working Group on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseInterAction Sub-Working Group on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, April 2010.
- Literature Review: Complaints Mechanisms and Handling of Exploitaiton and AbuseHAP International, Veronika Martin, March 2010.
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/64/669) - 2009UN Secretary-General, February 2010.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Summary Report: Learning Event for Senior Managers on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: IndonesiaECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Taskforce on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, October 2009.
- Report of the Secretary-General: Implementation of the United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel (A/64/176)UN Secretary-General, July 2009.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/63/720) - 2008UN Secretary-General, February 2009.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Summary Report: Pilot Discussion for Senior Managers on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Tripoli, Libya, February 2, 2009ECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, February 2009.
- Report: Rapid Assessment of the Gender, Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Programs in Southern SudanGenCap in Southern Sudan, December 2008.
- Review of Mechanisms Put in Place by the International Community in DRC to Eliminate Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse by Humanitarian Aid PersonnelEsther Dingemans (Consultant), commissioned by UNICEF DRC with support from OCHA DRC, November 2008.
- Summary Report: Pilot Discussion for Senior Managers on Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Somalia, November 20, 2008ECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, November 2008.
- To Complain or Not to Complain: Still the QuestionHAP International, June 2008.
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/62/890) - 2007UN Secretary-General, June 2008.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Evaluation: National SEA Awareness CampaignJames Carlon (Consultant), National GBV Task Force, Ministry of Gender and Development, February 2008.
- Final Evaluation: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse ProjectXefina Consulting (report to International Rescue Committee), September 2007.
- KAPB Survey Results: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse ProjectXefina Consulting (report to International Rescue Committee), September 2007.
- Note by the Secretariat: Criminal Accountability of United Nations Officials and Experts on Mission (A/62/329)UN Secretariat, September 2007.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Resolution of the General Assembly: Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects (A/RES/61/291) (resolution adopting Report A/61/291 (Parts I-III) of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations)UN General Assembly, August 2007.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group on the 2007 Substantive Session (A/61/19 (Part II))UN General Assembly, June 2007.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/61/957) - 2006UN Secretary-General, June 2007.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group on the 2007 Resumed Session (A/61/19 (Part III)) (Revised Draft Model MOU and We Are UN Peacekeeping Personnel)UN General Assembly, June 2007.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Note by the Secretary-General: Ensuring the Accountability of United Nations Staff and Experts on Mission with Respect to Criminal Acts Committed in Peacekeeping Operations (A/60/980) (report of the Group of Legal Experts)UN Secretary-General, August 2006.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Breaking the Code: Building Capacity to Investigate Sexual Abuse and Exploitation by Humanitarian Workers - Evaluating ICVA's Building Safer Organizations ProjectWomen's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, June 2006.
- Report of the Secretary-General: Comprehensive Report Prepared Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 59/296 on Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Including Policy Development, Implementation and Full Justification of Proposed Capacity on Personnel Conduct Issues (A/60/862)UN Secretary-General, May 2006.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/60/861) - 2005UN Secretary-General, May 2006.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group on the Second Resumed Session of 2006 (A/61/19 (Part I))UN General Assembly, April 2006.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Report of the Secretary-General: Implementation of the Recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (A/60/640) (includes report on implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee on the "Zeid Report")UN Secretary-General, December 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Must Boys Be Boys? Ending Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in UN Peacekeeping MissionsRefugees International, October 2005.
- Resolution of the General Assembly: Comprehensive Review of a Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (A/RES/59/300) (resolution on the "Zeid Report")UN General Assembly, June 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Resolution of the General Assembly: Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on Strengthening the Investigative Functions in the United Nations (A/RES/59/287)UN General Assembly, April 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/59/782) - 2004UN Secretary-General, April 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- A Comprehensive Strategy to Eliminate Future Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (A/59/710) ("Zeid Report")UN Secretary-General, March 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Investigation by the Office of Internal Oversight into Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (A/59/661)UN OIOS, January 2005.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Final Report to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Working Group on the Activities of the IASC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian CrisesIASC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises, June 2004.
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (A/58/777) - 2003UN Secretary-General, April 2004.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse: Note by the Secretary-General (A/58/559)UN Secretary-General, November 2003.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Trapped by Inequality: Bhutanese Refugee Women in NepalHuman Rights Watch, September 2003.
- Evaluation of the Joint Training Programme on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Women and Children in the Humanitarian Response to the Food Crisis in Southern AfricaWFP Southern Africa, Save the Children UK, UNICEF, June 2003.
- Resolution of the General Assembly: Investigation into Sexual Exploitation of Refugees by Aid Workers in West Africa (A/RES/57/306)UN General Assembly, May 2003.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- IASC Task Force Mission Report: Liberia and Sierra Leone, 21-31 October, 2002IASC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises, October 2002.
- Note by the Secretary-General: Investigation into Sexual Exploitation of Refugees by Aid Workers in West Africa (A/57/465) (includes the Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services)UN Secretary-General, October 2002.English Arabic Chinese French Russian
- Report of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises (includes proposed "Plan of Action")IASC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises, June 2002.English Arabic French Russian
- Note for Implementing Partners by UNHCR and Save the Children-UK on Sexual Violence & Exploitation: The Experience of Refugee Children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone Based on Initial Findings and Recommendations from Assessment Mission 22 October - 30 November 2001Save the Children UK, UNHCR, February 2002.
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