- Prevención
- Políticas, normas de conducta
- Concientización de las communidades
- Formación y concientización del personal
- Estrategias de prevención
- Contratación
- Normas para los contratos
- Respuesta
- Mecanismos de quejas para las comunidades
- Ayuda a las víctimas
- Investigación
- Acción disciplinaria
- Información de los funcionarios y otro personal
- Protección de las víctimas y los testigos
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- La construcción de mecanismos efectivos de denuncia
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- Coordinación, redes PEAS, puntos focales
- Obligaciones de la dirección
- Acción humanitaria
- Protección de la infancia
- Información pública
- Buenas prácticas
- IASC Summary Good Practices on SEA and Sexual Harassment IASC, July 2018.
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (Spanish), November 2017.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - OverviewECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, December 2009.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series - Head of OCHA Indonesia Ignacio Leon on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Staff and Related PersonnelECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, July 2009.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series - Kenya RC/HC Aeneas Chuma on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Staff and Related PersonnelECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, May 2009.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series - Libya RC Brian Gleeson on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Staff and Related PersonnelECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, May 2009.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series - Somalia RC/HC Mark Bowden on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Staff and Related PersonnelECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, February 2009.
- Conversations with RC/HCs: Best Practice Series - Liberia RC/HC/DSRSG Jordan Ryan on Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Staff and Related PersonnelECHA/ECPS UN and NGO Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse, December 2008.
- Review of Mechanisms Put in Place by the International Community in DRC to Eliminate Sexual Exploitaiton and Abuse by Humanitarian Aid PersonnelEsther Dingemans (Consultant), commissioned by UNICEF DRC with support from OCHA DRC, November 2008.
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