- الوقاية
- السياسة/معايير السلوك
- تطوير وعي المجتمعات المحلية
- التدريب وتوعية العاملين
- استراتيجيات الوقاية
- التجنيد
- المعايير في العقود
- الاستجابة
- آليات شكاوي المجتمعات المحلية
- مساعدة الضحايا
- التحقيق
- العمل التأديبي
- تقديم التقارير من قبل الموظفين وغير الموظفين
- حماية الشهود والضحية
- التواصل مع السكان المحليين
- تطوير وعي المجتمعات المحلية
- العمل الإنساني
- الإدارة والتنسيق
- الرصد والامتثال
- التنسيق/نقاط الاتصال وشبكات الحماية من الاستغلال والانتهاك الجنسيين
- التزامات الإدارة
- العمل الإنساني
- حماية الطفل
- شؤون الإعلام
- ممارسة جيدة
- SG's Special Measures Report 2019 - A/73/744UN, June 2019.
- Data annexes to A/73/744UN, June 2019.
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms - ArabicIASC, June 2019.English French Spanish
- Supplementary information to A/73/744 UN, June 2019.
- UNRWA English poster on the differences between SEA, SH, sexual violence against personnel and ‘other’ GBV, including GBV in emergenciesUNRWA, September 2018.
- UNRWA English poster on the differences between SEA, SH, sexual violence against personnel and ‘other’ GBV, including GBV in emergenciesUNRWA, September 2018.
- UNRWA Arabic poster on the differences between SEA, SH, sexual violence against personnel and ‘other’ GBV, including GBV in emergenciesUNRWA, September 2018.
- ????????? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????????UNRWA, September 2018.English
- Protocole de partage d'information EASMINUSCA, Agences des Nations Unies, ONG Internationales et Partenaires locaux, September 2018.French
- IASC Summary Good Practices on SEA and Sexual Harassment IASC, July 2018.
- Rules on Sexual Conduct for Humanitarian WorkersIASC AAP PSEA Task Team , June 2018.English French Chinese Russian Spanish Portuguese Kiswahili Hindi Dari Basque Bengali Burmese Catalan Farsi Galician Haitian Creole Igbo Indonesian Italian Japanese Kinyarwanda Korean Nepali Panjabi Pashto (Afghanistan) Pashto (Pakistan) Serbian (Latin) Spanish (Latin America) Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese Oromo Kikuyu Kurdish Sorani Guarani Kurdish Kurmanji Badini (Southeastern Kurmanji) Amharic Swahili (Kenyan) Swahili (Tanzanian) Quechua Rohingya Chittagonian German Hausa Hungarian Serbian (Cryillic) Kirundi Malagasy Kanuri English (simple) Dinka Bari Sangho Bislama Greek Solomon Islands Pijin Somali Afrikaans Uzbek Portuguese (Portugal) Tok Pisin Guarani (Bolivia) Kaqchikel Mam Q\'eqchi\' Quechua (Ecuador) Aymara Fulfulde (Fulah) Yoruba Nuer Balochi
- SG's Special Measures Report 2018 - A/72/752 United Nations , February 2018.
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (French) IASC, February 2018.
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (Spanish), November 2017.
- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations - Improving the Victim's Access to Reparation, Support and AssistanceThe Redress Trust, September 2017.
- Military Aide Memoire: United Nations Measures against Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUnited Nations Peackeeping, August 2017.
- Glossary on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (Second Edition) - EnglishUnited Nations, July 2017.
- Glossary on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (Second Edition) - FrenchUnited Nations, July 2017.
- PSEA Implementation Quick Reference HandbookCHS Alliance, July 2017.
- No Excuses Film KenyaFilm Aid, May 2017.
- Global Standard Operating Procedures for inter-agency community based complaint mechanismsIASC, March 2017.
- Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (A/71/818) - 2017United Nations, February 2017.
- No Excuses Card - 4 page - symbolsUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- No Excuses Card - 4 page - picturesUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- No Excuses Card - 2 page - symbolsUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- No Excuses Card - 2 page - picturesUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- SEA flyer - symbolsUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- SEA flyer - picturesUnited Nations SEA Working Group, January 2017.
- Discussion Paper: Mapping the Impact of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Interveners in Peace OperationsLa Trobe University, December 2016.
- Contact List Investigation/SEA Reporting UnitsIASC, October 2016.
- A/71/97 - Combating sexual exploitation & abuse - Report of the Secretary-General United Nations General Assembly, June 2016.
- UN Security Council Resolution 2272 (2016)UN, May 2016.
- UN Fact Sheet on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN, May 2016.
- UN General Assembly (A70729) Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation & abuseUN, May 2016.
- Interagency Study on Child-Friendly Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms within NGO programmes. Phase one report, survey findings – children’s access to feedback and complaint mechanismsEduco (Member of the ChildFund Alliance), Plan International, Save the Children UK, War Child UK and World Vision International, August 2015.
النطاق المواضيعي
- English
- French
- Arabic
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- Venda (unofficial translation)
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- Guarani (Bolivia)
- Kaqchikel
- Mam
- Q\'eqchi\'
- Quechua (Ecuador)
- Aymara
- Fulfulde (Fulah)
- Yoruba
- Nuer
- Balochi