- الوقاية
- السياسة/معايير السلوك
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- التدريب وتوعية العاملين
- استراتيجيات الوقاية
- التجنيد
- المعايير في العقود
- الاستجابة
- آليات شكاوي المجتمعات المحلية
- مساعدة الضحايا
- التحقيق
- العمل التأديبي
- تقديم التقارير من قبل الموظفين وغير الموظفين
- حماية الشهود والضحية
- التواصل مع السكان المحليين
- تطوير وعي المجتمعات المحلية
- العمل الإنساني
- الإدارة والتنسيق
- الرصد والامتثال
- التنسيق/نقاط الاتصال وشبكات الحماية من الاستغلال والانتهاك الجنسيين
- التزامات الإدارة
- العمل الإنساني
- حماية الطفل
- شؤون الإعلام
- ممارسة جيدة
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms - ArabicIASC, June 2019.English French Spanish
- Protocole de partage d'information EASMINUSCA, Agences des Nations Unies, ONG Internationales et Partenaires locaux, September 2018.French
- Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (Spanish), November 2017.
- Global Standard Operating Procedures for inter-agency community based complaint mechanismsIASC, March 2017.
- Contact List Investigation/SEA Reporting UnitsIASC, October 2016.
- Guidelines on Setting Up a Community Based Complaints Mechanism Regarding Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN and non-UN PersonnelThe Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, November 2012.
- IRC Allegation Reporting and Tracking (ART) Form IRC, October 2012.
- CCSDPT Complaint Mechanism and PathwayCCSPT, October 2012.
- Complaints and Response Mechanism in Lutheran World Federation Kenya Program: KakumaLutheran World Federation, October 2012.
- Model Complaints Referral Form (Sexual Exploitation and Abuse)Unknown, October 2012.
- Community Based Complaint Mechanism: An ExperienceThe Lutheran World Federation Nepal, September 2012.
- Internal Evaluation of Pilot Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM)Concern Worldwide Sudan, March 2012.
- Standard Operating Procedures for Prevention of and Response to SGBV in Kakuma Refugee Camp, KenyaUNHCR, GOK, IRC, LWF, JRS, NCCK, November 2011.
- Receiving Allegations of SEA: Procedures DiagramUNCT Liberia, November 2011.
- Setting Up Community Complaint Mechanisms in MozambiqueCARE Mozambique, November 2011.
- Community Complaints Fact SheetWorld Vision LTRT Sri Lanka, November 2011.
- Effective Community Complaints Agency Self AuditWorld Vision Lanka Tsunami Response Team Sri Lanka, November 2011.
- Managing InvestigationsInterAction, November 2011.
- Paper on Complaint and Response Mechanism Pilot Mornei, West DarfurConcern Worldwide Sudan, September 2011.
- Concern Worldwide West Darfur Programme Mornei CRM FormConcern Worldwide Sudan, September 2011.
- Complaint and Response Mechanism Fact Sheet, Concern Worldwide Sudan CRM PilotConcern Worldwide Sudan, September 2011.
- Collaboration and Innovation - Developing a Joint Complaint and Response Mechanism in HaitiThe Lutheran World Foundation, Save the Children, World Vision, HAP International, September 2010.French
- Joint Complaint and Response Mechanism Related Tools - HaitiThe Lutheran World Foundation, Save the Children, World Vision, HAP International, September 2010.
- How to Complain: Complaints & Response Mechanism for Programme ParticipantsConcern Worldwide Pakistan Programme, June 2009.
- Preventing Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, KAP SurveyCommittee for the Coordination of Services to Displaced Persons in Thailand (CCSDPT), October 2008.
- Inter-Agency Protocols for the Prevention of Exploitation and Abuse in the Kenya Emergency ProgramKenya Refugee Program, April 2008.
- Annual Report: Disaster Relief Monitoring Unit Human Rights Commission of Sri LankaHuman Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, October 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: UN in Liberia Sexual Assault and Rape Rapid Response TeamUN Mission in Liberia, May 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex D: Examples of Public Information Campaigns and Publicity Material on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex E: Public Information Products for Internal Communication Products on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex F: Background to Key Reference Documents on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex G: Public Information Strategy on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex A: Guidelines for Briefers on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex B: Guidance on Reporting on Allegations, Investigations and Outcomes of Cases of Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- Standard Operating Procedure: Public Information Activities on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse - Annex C: Frequently-Asked Questions and Answers By & For UN Peacekeeping Personnel on Sexual Exploitation and AbuseUN DPKO, April 2006.
- استمارة نموذجية لإحالة شكاوى الاستغلال الجنسي والاعتداء الجنسيفرقة عمل اللجنة المعنية بالمعايير الدولية للمحاسبة الخاصة بالاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين في الأزمات الإنسانية, May 2004.English French Spanish Chinese
- Model Complaints and Investigation Procedures and Guidance Related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (Draft)IASC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises, March 2004.
- Directives for Disciplinary Matters Involving Military Members of National ContingentsUN DPKO, July 2003.
- Directives for Disciplinary Matters Involving Civilian Police Officers and Military ObserversUN DPKO, July 2003.
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